Kitasoo Xai'xais Hydropower
Kitasoo Xai'xais Hydropower Project
British Columbia, Canada
The village of Klemtu is a coastal community located on Swindle Island north of Bella Bella in British Columbia, Canada, with access to this remote area limited to seaplane, scheduled B.C. Ferry, and other marine services. The previous hydropower generation system comprised of a low-height concrete dam on Baron Lake, with a 4kV transmission line running parallel to the coastline.
The replacement plant consisted of two phases which were implemented in 2009 & 2017, sized to produce 1.7MW.The first phase covered construction of the powerhouse, and lower portion of the new penstock. The second phase consisted of a 500 mm diameter HDPE penstock extending to convey water from a new siphon intake.
GEA’s responsibilities included preliminary and detailed design of the intake structures, the penstock, and powerhouse, technical coordination with suppliers, as well as shop and field reviews.